

    Welcome to the TTHS College and Career Portfolio (CCP) Page. You will find all of the information you need to complete your College and Career Portfolio here. Please use the links on the left side of the page to navigate all areas on the website.

    The College and Career Portfolio is a District 205 graduation requirement. The CCP allows students to earn points through a variety of opportunities while working on being college and career ready. The opportunities for points are things students should be doing while in high school to prepare themselves for their post-secondary plans.

    All students need 3,000 points in order to complete their College and Career Portfolio requirement. Students who transfer to Thornton Towsnhip High School during their high school career will need to have a one-on-one conversation with their advisor to determine an appropriate adjusted point total.

    Anything a student does that counts as points for CCP must have paper documentation. A variety of verification forms are available in the office for students to pick up. Electronic copies are also available on the website. Please be aware that just because a student does something for points does not mean the advisors know. Everything must be documented with the students' CCP Advisor. It is the student's responsibility to submit documentation to their advisor.

    The Class of 2021's deadline to turn in all documentation for their CCP requirement will be Friday, January 29, 2021 . Remember this is a GRADUATION REQUIREMENT and must be completed.

    Please see the advisor list for the Class of 2021 below: 

    • A -CL = Mrs. Moody
    • Co - Gom = Mrs. Walker 
    • Gos - Me= Mrs. Harris
    • Mi - Ro = Ms. Allred
    • Ru - Z  = Mr. Christian

    Please be mindful that advisors are available fpr College and Career Portfolio after school office hours. Students must attend office hours for assistance with College and Career Portfolio and/or to turn in documentation. (Please note - While we are in the Remote Learning Setting, our virtual "office" will be each advisor's Google Classroom.)

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. 

    Best Regards, 

    Shana Scott-Moody

    College & Career Portfolio Coordinator