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    English & Reading

    The English Communication Arts Program provides opportunities for all students to become responsible, self-motivated, productive citizens as well as lifelong learners and communicators.  As a result of their participation in the English Communication Arts Program, students develop verbal and nonverbal communication skills, which include problem-solving, critical thinking, reading, writing, speaking, listening, research, and social skills.  Students express thoughts and feelings, work cooperatively, and integrate technology in order to function effectively in life.  Students explore the aesthetic value and multi-cultural diversity as reflected in language and literature.  This program follows the professional standards and guidelines established by colleges and universities, the State Goals for Learning, the International Reading Association, and the National Council of Teachers of English.

    Program Goals:
    1.  Know how to read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, evaluate, and use a
         variety of written materials.
    2.  Know how to listen critically and analytically.
    3.  Know how to write standard English in a grammatical, well-organized,
         and coherent manner for a variety of purposes.
    4.  Know how to use spoken language in formal and informal situations to
         communicate effectively.
    5.  Understand and appreciate the various forms of fiction and nonfiction
         representative of different cultures, eras, and ideas.
    6.  Know how to locate, access, and process information through technology
         to enable lifelong learning.
    7.  Explore how language evolves and functions.
    8.  Prepare for future learning, which includes the work environment.
Last Modified on January 12, 2009