It is our goal to provide a safe and supportive environment to all of our students. Illinois legislature passed Public Act 96-0349 to address safe and supportive environments for students with life threatening allergies.
According to the District 205 Policy and Food Allergy Management Program, the parent/guardian is required to complete the Allergy History Questionnaire. In addition, the Illinois Food Allergy Emergency Action Plan and Treatment Authorization form must be completed and signed by both the parent/guardian and physician. Please submit all forms to the school nurse, along with any medication ordered by your physician, as soon as possible (first entry into school is preferred). Should your student need medication in school, a Medication Administration Form must also be completed and signed by both the parent/guardian and physician. The school nurse will then discuss the student’s individual needs with the parent/guardian and implement a proper allergy management plan.
Schools are not required to stock epinephrine auto-injectors. If the student’s parent/guardian refuses to cooperate with the school for an evaluation and implementation of an appropriate management plan, then best practices call for the school to implement a simple Emergency Action Plan stating to call 911 immediately upon recognition of any symptom along with sending written notification to the parent/guardian of the student’s Emergency Action Plan.
If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to notify a school administrator or the school nurse at your respective school.