Contribution and automatic payroll deduction forms can be found at the main office and in your mailbox.District 205 Academic Enrichment Foundation
Annual Star Appeal
Help District 205 Reach for the Stars!
The Star Appeal is a new annual campaign to raise funds to support extra and co-curricular objective of the Thornton Township High School District 205 Academic Enrichment Foundation.
The economic times have created the need to look beyond ourselves and to those who are less fortunate. Therefore, instead of buying gifts, please consider giving to organizations that provide for the homeless, senior citizens or to the District 205 Academic Enrichment Foundation that provides extended opportunities for staff and students.
In this season of caring and need, it is hopeful that each of us shares with those less fortunate. District 205 has several opportunities for giving. Please see the list below by school for giving options.
1. National Honor Society One Can One Dollar One Smile Food Drive
2. Mathletes and Scholastic Bowl Holiday Food Drive
3. Student Council Gift Items for Veterans
1. Health & Human Service House Toy Drive
2. Thornton High School Hat and Mitten Drive
3. SAVE - Teddy Bear, Hats and Mittens Drive
1. Student Council Adopt-A-Child Program
2. Mesdemoiselles Clothes and Food Drive
3. SAVE Holiday Armed Forces Drive
4. Athletics Toys for District 205 Tots
1. Academic Enrichment Foundation Star Appeal
2. Holiday Gift Cards for Senior Citizens
3. Faculty Association Winter Wear DriveDonations to the Foundation provide funds to send students on enriching and cultural field trips like visiting United Nations in New York and to assist teachers with enriching classroom activities.
Contributions are fully tax deductible and can spread over multiple pay periods.
October 2013 - June 2014
Please Click Here for Direct Deposit Form!
Last Modified on November 6, 2013